Monday, August 17, 2015

Had to lay down and woke up to a lovely summer rain. Hate losing a day and hope to have the energy tomorrow I need to help the friend I promised help to. Something told me I didn't need to water the garden this morning!!
One of those days that started out about 4:30am not feeling 'perky'. Yesterday wasn't bad but about 9ish last night while watching a movie I got hit with 'lite' pain and laid down hoping to avoid worse...woke up running to the bathroom praying all critters were out of my path because Poop Happens!
Feeling weakest with waves of lite nausea now at 11:15. I have a list of things I need to do, but my 'get up and go!' got flushed the last time I was in the
Had family in for a visit last week. I fought feeling bad the whole time. Eating out, windy roads into town and walking/shopping in the heat made for a hell of a visit. I need and Oscar, they didn't have a clue!

Fairies Fart and Glitter Happens

Did you know a fairy farts glitter?

I thought not, little known fact as they are mostly invisible little creatures and hard to document but a dragon told me so I have it on good authority. Ever see unexplained flecks of glitter around? No party left overs, no craft room spill but there it is, glitter. On your face, on the floor on your pet. HOW?...Well, you know how sometime you sneeze you accidentally fart? When that happens to a fairy in flight their 'cloaking' power blinks for a nanosecond and the glitter from the farts become visible to the human eye.

I believe words have power, instead of saying the 'F' word I've been saying Fairy Fart and am quite overwhelmed at the amount of glitter I am finding all about!!!

So, if for some reason you find a bit of unexplained glitter lying about, sorry. I just startled another one.

Monday, August 10, 2015

So, today has at least started out better. Yesterday turned out to be a 'down' day. Kept getting up thinking I could get something done, but no, back down again. Funny how the dishes always wait, if not GROW in anticipation of being

Sunday, August 9, 2015

One of those days.

Love my early mornings. Up about 6am to answer the roosters call. Grab my rubber boots and iced coffee as I head out the door to open the coups greeting the ducks and chickens as they tumble out and over each other. With a waddling run the wings are stretched and flapping good morning, always startling the deer who've gathered eagerly waiting for an early treat.  
Once breakfast is served with fresh water all about, I walk down to the garden basket in hand, to water, weed and gather veggies for the day.

I soon have company as the grub getters arrive. It's their mission you know, save the garden from bugs and be rewarded with cherry tomatoes for job well done...delightful little puddle hoppers.
I hate it when a 'Wave' hits during my garden time. Ok, hate it when it hits any time of course, but I love my mornings and the 'Waves' are disrupting my Zen. It was nausea mostly this morning, only a bit of pain, but the hangover like hold body head rush is a real mood changer. Bet the Gods get a giggle out of that...I feel like I've been on a five day vodka bender when I haven't had a drink in??? back for all the drinking days I got always with? Gives me a bit of a giggle. Then, I find humor everywhere.
Guess the list of ToDo's for today will be put on hold as I see a lie down in my future. It's only 11am and my path to the bathroom is well worn and wearing me out. Imagine a volcano forever active in your intestines...that's life with Crohn's and autoimmune. You never know when it's going to blow knocking you down again.
I hate letting this waste my time, laying down is boring no matter how you feel IT'S BORING but if I don't have to take a pain pill I am grateful...if I don't have to take a Phennergren  I am grateful.
For knowing this too shall pass, I am grateful.